JOIN US for the next FREE Academy/Keys of Enoch® Webtalk
Sunday, June 5
5:00PM to 5:45 PST
8:00PM to 8:45 EST
To join, please register if you did not join us actively at the last event!
Spiritual Interdependence
with Drs. J.J. & Desiree Hurtak and The Keys of Enoch®
Join Drs. Hurtak for a 30 minute meditation on July 5th which is open to everyone worldwide. This day follows American Independence Day which signaled a new beginning in political, religious and spiritual freedom. The ‘Day After’ (July 5) signals the importance of going forward in using spiritual freedom more effectively in view of world challenges. This webtalk combines music, visualization and meditation to focus on our planetary role in the current time of transformation. In this guided, global meditation, participants will join in Sacred Expressions, and Wisdom derived from the Enoch teachings. Drs. JJ and Desiree Hurtak will expand our path to ultimate spiritual fellowship and self-realized consciousness of the Word of God for our time.
This is the same link used for the Easter meditation and Jan 3rd celebration. If you listened in you are already registered for this event. Otherwise please register at the link above.
To listen on the scheduled time by phone, dial
+1 (646) 307-1717 then enter this access code 481-806-356
(your own long distance charge will apply to the call, if any)
If you are already registered you will receive a notice 2 weeks before the event. If you do not receive your notice please re-register.